KSHAR SUTRA TREATMENT FOR FISTULA IN ANO • FISTULA IN ANO is a disease in which patient feels a small boil or opening around the anal canal with pus discharge out of it. • In some cases after the discharge swelling and pain subsides and patient feels relieved. • These symptoms may reappear, where as some has continuous pus discharge without any break. CAUSES OF FISTULA IN ANO • Any type of infection in the anal canal. • ulcerativecolitis • chronic fissures • crohn's diseases INTRODUCTION • Kshar sutra is a Sanskrit phrase in which KSHAR refers to anything that is corrosive or caustic; while SUTRA means a thread. • Kshar sutra is a therapy in ayurveda by Sushruta, Charak and Vagbhata. • It is a minimal invasive ayurvedicparasurgical procedure and time tested ayurvedic technique in managementof anorectal diseases. ADVANTAGES OF KSHAR SUTRA • Simple and safe parasurgical procedure. • Can be done under local anesthesia. ...