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Piles or Haemorrhoid is also known as Bawaseer. Piles is a very common disease and affect both men and women equaly, along with this there are swollen or inflamed tissue which contains enlarged blood vessel found around the anus or inside the rectum in body. Usually, hemorrhoids do not cause any problem, until their blood supply slows down or interrupted. Piles occur when anal passage get inflamed and vein wall becomes thin and irritated by passing the bowel movements and cn be treated by Piles Doctor in shimla , ksharsutra treatment in shimla , Fistula Doctor in shimla . Around 50% of people get affected by Pile at any age in their life with this problem. Pregnant women also get experience with this condition. There is not any clear reason for what causes piles although researchers say that it might be due to weak veins but there are many Piles hospital in shimla , Best piles Doctor in shimla , Lady Doctor for piles in shimla for such treatments There is not an exact rea...